Blenheim palace forest school
So who’s got a Blenheim pass? If not get one! This isn’t a Blenheim palace review by the way. Oh no I’m not going to bore everyone with something that you already probably know. This is about the family Forest school at Blenheim!! Am I the only one to never have heard of this??? Well now you have! This was a last min find from a friend who was already going and I was lucky enough to tag along.
So we arrived at Blenheim parked up (badly) and off we trotted to find this secret passage. I will explain as best as i can. It’s between the main car park and the disabled car park in front of the palace. It’s on the far right if you’re facing the palace. There’s a wooden railing down a steep hill. Don’t bother taking your pram it’ll be more trouble than it’s worth we ditched ours at the top. Stick the little one in a baby carrier and take your essentials in a back pack (or rucksack whatever you chose to call it) we shoved a packed lunch in too. Picnic perfect!
When you get to the bottom it may not seem like much but my god my kids LOVED it!!! The huge natural mud slide was an instant hit with Clark (5) and the mud pit was an instant hit for Elliot (2) I’m sure by now you’ve figured not to take your kids in their Sunday best. There is so so much for them do, bug hunting, den building, digging, sliding, climbing the list is endless!
I’ll say this. Don’t bother going if you wrap your kids in bubble wrap. This isn’t me insulting that type of parenting I was one before Elliot came along. Seriously though this really is about letting your kids learn and take risks. I have 2 of the clumsiest kids in existence and they didn’t come away with any injuries! #miracle.
Informative bit :
The session runs every Wednesday (term time too) and its free with a Blenheim pass. You’re supposed to sign in at the welcome desk but I’ll be honest we didn’t bother and no shits were given. It starts at 10.30 am until 3pm there are 2 sessions but we just turned up when we were ready and left just after 3. It’s very laid back which is great when you have mini Satan’ s that try and rule your very existence. This also gives plenty of time for you to get public transport. Bus to Oxford parkway then number 500 bus drops you outside Blenheim.
The lady who runs it is called Mandy and she was brilliant. Going round engaging the kids, joining in and being a fountain of knowledge. She runs other forest school throughout Oxfordshire. (I’ll post the link when I get home)
Forest school stats :
Distance from Bicester: 21 mins on a good day
Sat nav: Woodstock OX20 1PP
Accessibility: 8/10 public transport possible
Wheelchair friendly: unfortunately not
Equipment upkeep: N/A
Cleanliness: 0/10 (in a good way)
Facilities: 10/10 cafe, toilets, parking etc
Age range: All ages ish I wouldn’t take a New born on its own. Maybe with a sibling
Safety: 4/10 (again in a good way)
Fun factor: 10/10
Anyhow were on our way to santa pod now and I’ve gone on far too long. Have a look at the photos and please do get down there. We’ll be there next Wednesday so might see you there
For more outdoor places to visit with the kids why not have a look at my woodland section HERE
You can find the direct link to their Forest school page HERE