Giveaways and Competitions


I was in Milton Keynes trying to think of something to buy as a thank you for helping me hit the 3000 mark (thank you all by the way) then i saw Build a bear out of the corner of my eye! Perfect i thought i’ll buy a voucher for an overpriced bear so you can experience hell all for yourselves. At the same time you’re children will learn a valuable lesson of what will happen if you shove a Henry hoover pipe up a bears arse and switch it on!


Firstly i’d be hugely impressed if any of your kids come across a grizzly bear in the wilds of the UK. Even more impressed if they happen to have a hoover on them at the time. I have visions of kids in America trying to stuff bears to make them cuter because that’s what build a bear have taught them….Probably they type of crap Donald Trump would try an pull off to be honest.

Anyway annoyingly the kids love these build a bear buggers. Ok I’ll admit we have one and when i say we i mean me and the husbeast. It was supposed to be for Clark when he was Born but he chose to love a manky now one eyed, now off white bear called baby bear. This is probably because me and the husbeast got carried away and dressed him as a Jedi put the star wars theme tune in his hand and named him Obear wan Cehoady. Genius name if you ask me. He just sits on the chest of draws now trying to crush our brains with his jedi powers…….he’s yet to find any brains.


Wow i talk way too much. The gift certificate is for a massive £20!!!! can i hear a ooooooooo. Yeah not a huge amount but until i start shitting money it’s the best i could do.


If you would like to be in with a chance of winning then follow the instructions below. You can enter daily and if you complete all the actions you get a bonus entry too. The more you enter the higher the chance you have at winning. I thought I’d best explain that for any people that aren’t great at basic math:

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Don’t forget to check out the website for things to do over Christmas. If you haven’t picked a grotto yet then have a look at this handy guide HERE

If you want to see what this Build a bear is all about have a gander on their website HERE


Family Ticket

The Family Ticket offers fun filled reviews and guides for family day's out! We share our thoughts on theme parks, nature walks and much more! Please follow our social pages!

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